The Common Grooming Behavior, Explained In Feline

Why is grooming important?

Pets need to be groomed regularly to stay healthy on the outside, which will also help to protect their internal organs. While distributing natural oils, grooming helps remove dead skin cells and shed hair from the coat. 

By clipping, you can maintain your pet’s coat at a comfortable length that will suit the seasons and keep them comfortable. Maxvets advise you to include regular grooming in your pet’s daily care regimen.

Why Do Cats Groom Themselves?

Cats groom themselves for a variety of health reasons in addition to keeping clean:

  • control of body temperature
  • maintain her coat’s cleanliness and smoothness by applying natural skin oils
  • to increase blood flow
  • to reduce her temperature by allowing her saliva to evaporate
  • to get rid of allergies, infections, and parasites
  • avoiding hairballs (For more information on addressing cat hairball issues, click here.)

Change in behavior: Your cat may lick to soothe herself if she is embarrassed, anxious, or in a conflict.

Types Of Grooming They Do 

Your cat will feel and look better if she regularly grooms herself, but if she gets sick, she might stop. This might be an indication of dental issues, arthritis, or pain. Early separation from mothers may also prevent kittens from learning how to properly groom themselves. Here are some types of grooming your cat will perform while cleaning themselves:-

Oral Grooming 

A cat has been observed adopting peculiar positions to reach the furthest reaches of its body in an effort to lick away any bodily odours and to remove mats. Just prior to a nap or sleep, oral hygiene can also be practised.

Cats’ incisors can be used to clean in between the toes and to remove burrs and tangles from the hair coat. This kind of grooming works best on the body parts closest to the neck, as one might expect.

Due to the fact that they keep their body cool by moisturising their skin and hair, it is higher in the summer or on hotter days. The tongue and teeth of the cat are used for the majority of grooming. Oral hygiene is practised.

Paw Grooming

Around 18 days after birth, a hind paw starts to scratch various parts of the body. It takes fur off the body, which is thought to be normal. Cats’ paws, especially their forepaws, are used to clean areas where their tongues can’t reach. However, excessive scratching in cats is a sure sign of parasites, which could be microbial like fleas or ear mites. It might result from a secondary fungal or bacterial infection.Mutual Grooming (allogrooming).

Humans can participate in mutual grooming by being licked and allowed to pet you. As grooming is the second-best thing that cats like after their sleep and food, a bond is developed between a human and a cat during such a session.

If two cats are raised together, they develop into adult cats and express their love by licking or rubbing against one another. Cats are solitary animals; unlike other species, they don’t exhibit any social behaviour patterns. They occasionally get along, usually before giving their consent to mate.

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Max Vets Referal Hospital is a full-service Veterinary Hospital in East of Kailash that offers comprehensive medical services for cats, dogs and other small animals  in New Delhi and the surrounding areas. From preventive care to surgery, our broad and varied service offering can meet all of your pet’s health needs in one place.

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