Puppy Care

1 Choose The Right Breed For Your Family

When looking for a new puppy, consider both your family’s needs and the needs of the breeds that you like. Dog breeds can vary dramatically in size, temperament and activity level. If you live in a small apartment, you might be better off adopting a small to medium size dog that will still have plenty of room to play indoors. If, on the other paw, you have a house with a large yard you might dig right in with a larger breed. Do you love to hike, or are you a homebody? Take an honest evaluation of your lifestyle and living situation, and choose a dog that will compliment your life. Doing so will make the transition to pet parenthood easier, and you’ll both happier for it in the end.

2 Puppy Proof Your House

You should go ahead and accept from the start that your new puppy is going have some accidents. It happens. Fortunately for them, they’re just cute enough to get away with it. Still, you’ll want to puppy proof your house before you even bring your furry baby home. In the early potty training stages, invest some in puppy pads—you won’t regret it. If you catch your new puppy having an accident, move them over to the pad. With positive reinforcement, your dog will learn that the pad marks the spot. Gradually move the pad toward the door, and then just outside the door, and your puppy will quickly learn to go potty outdoors. In addition, you can use puppy training drops, to “mark” the area you want them to use for a toilet.

Pro-Pup Tips:

  • Lock up the people food (especially chocolate, onions, grapes and raisins)
  • Keep the toilet door closed
  • Store your trash out of your puppy’s reach
  • Cover up exposed electrical cords an cables
  • Avoid dropping any “tasty” things on the floor (such as paper, tissues, toothpicks, socks, cotton buds, etc.) that your pet
  • might enjoy shredding or chewing

3 Initial training for your pet

One of the biggest decisions you’ll make as a new parent is whether or not you will crate train your new puppy. The philosophy behind crate training is that it is like the puppy’s own room. It should contain food and water and their favourite toys— There is also a toilet training component to crate training, as dogs naturally avoid soiling their dens.

4 Health and Nutrition

As a new pet parent, the dog food can be an intimidating question. You may want to feed your pet people food, or stick with kibble. Just remember that all dog foods are not created equally. In fact, as crazy as it sounds, many foods on the market have little or no nutritional value for dogs. On top of that, dog food labels can extremely difficult to understand. Just remember, the most important thing to consider is the food’s protein content. A good dog food will have a protein as its number one ingredient. Your vet may suggest a particular brand suited to your pet’s needs based on the breed.

5 Decide What Kind Of Training Is Important To You

You’re probably familiar with the basic commands like sit, stay and heel. These commands aren’t just for showing off. In fact, they could help keep your dog safe in a dangerous situation. You’ll definitely want to impart these basics to your new puppy.

6 Kids and Pets

Kids and puppies are a recipe for cuteness overload, but they can also be a recipe for disaster. An overly anxious dog and a overly-excited child that doesn’t understand boundaries could lead to a serious problem. Make sure you understand your new dog’s history and temperament. Give your child instruction on how to interact with the puppy—make sure they are not overly aggressive. Teach them how to pet and play with your new puppy.

7 Grooming

Different breeds have different needs, and that goes for grooming as well. Learn as much as you can about your new puppy’s grooming needs before you adopt. Regular grooming and teeth cleaning will ensure your new puppy stays healthy and happy. In summer and monsoons, regular and thorough grooming will ensure that ecto-parasites and fungal infections stay off your pet’s fur. In case of infestation, a vet’s visit and medicated bath are recommended. If you notice any creepy crawlies, be sure to give immediate attention as they multiply and spread fast.

8 Allergies

Do you or does anyone else in your family have allergies to pet hair? This is another important question to ask yourself before adopting. When planning to adopt a pet, spend some time with the pup you are considering to see if you have an allergic reaction. If you do experience allergies, you might consider adopting a hypoallergenic dog. These dogs don’t shed, and tend to be less bothersome to people with allergies.

9 Socialization

According to experts, socialization is of the highest importance in first 4 months of their lives, as this is the timeframe puppies develop their “personalities”. Safe exposure is of the highest important: to all sorts of people, dogs, other puppies, “strange” things, men, women, children, cars, loud streets, and countless other stimuli. The puppy stage is the shortest and most-formative time for your new dog. Enjoy this time with your new pup—play, cuddle, socialize and have fun.

10 Your New Puppy is now a member of your family

Dogs are more than just pets, they’re furry family members I can say that it isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it. Dogs show us who we are and what we need to learn. They remind us what play is and lead us down unexpected paths. They lift us up with sparkling eyes and tongue-lolling grins. They comfort us without getting tangled up in words. A life shared with a dog is one that is never lonely. As you contemplate life with a new puppy, you’re embarking on an adventure full of love, belly rubs and great companionship. We wish you good luck, and happy pet parenting!

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